Nipple Augmentation
Why Get Nipple Augmentation?
You have finally decided that you want a change in your breasts. It may not be your breast size that you are concerned about, but rather the look of the nipple. Perhaps your nipple is overly large, long and dropping. Perhaps the problem is the opposite, where your nipple is inverted- a condition where the nipple is pulled inward into the breast instead of pointing outward. Perhaps your nipple retraction was a condition present at birth or arose as a result of a disease or trauma (ex: inflammation or scarring of the tissues behind the nipple). Whatever the concern, the appearance of the nipple has led to your feeling insecure about your breasts. The best plastic surgeons in Florida have a solution for you.
Areola Procedures
Nipple surgery (or areola surgery) is a form of plastic surgery that is used in nipple reduction, nipple repair, nipple augmentation, nipple reconstruction, and areola reduction. The nipple surgery is generally done under local anesthesia and takes about an hour to complete. The Florida center for cosmetic surgery will make a small incision on the nipple itself for a nipple reduction. After completing the incision, the surgeon will remove the excess tissue from the area. Stitches will be used to close the incision and the surgeon will place gauze dressings over the breasts. After nipple surgery, the patient will have a special surgical bra placed over the breasts to enable the breasts to be held in the best position to ensure healing. The incisions heal very quickly and the patient can go home shortly after the surgery.
Anticipated Recovery Time
In terms of nipple surgery recovery, the patient can normally return to work the day after the surgery and resume strenuous activities about 3 weeks after. The breast may heal at different rates and this is normal. The patient will also be given specific instructions by their South Florida cosmetic surgeon to follow during recovery as well as the date of their follow-up. The patient should sleep on their back for a week after surgery to help with the healing process.
Take the first step towards the change that you desire. Come to the premiere center for cosmetic surgery for your initial consultation.
Photos below show our nipple reduction results
Other Breast Procedures Offered at Our Fort Lauderdale Office:
- Breast Lift
- Breast Augmentation
- Breast Reduction
- Breast Reconstruction
- Implant-Based Reconstruction
- Autologous Mastectomy
- Lymph Node Transplants
Are You Interested in Learning More About Our Nipple Augmentation Procedure?
If you are a Florida resident or planning a trip to the Sunshine State soon and are interested in scheduling a nipple augmentation consultation, contact Vanguard in Ft. Lauderdale today. Our team will help you realize your breast shape goals for a happier, more confident life.
Location Information
Vanguard Aesthetic Plastic Surgery is located at 2320 NE 9th St #300, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304. Call us at 954-488-2115 to schedule an appointment today.